General Inspections

Independent Appraisal Experts LLC is dedicated to providing you with professional, detailed, organized and efficient inspections and appraisal reports. With our extensive network of local inspectors, we are able to provide Appraisal Reports at a fraction of the cost as other Appraisal Companies and with faster turn-around times.

Our Site Inspections can be custom fit to your needs but generally include high-definition pictures taken personally from one of our background-checked inspectors and a detailed report including inventory, business machinery and equipment, location, business signage and address verification, description of merchant’s business operations, observations of displayed business hours, licenses and credit card decals, any any other specific requests you make.

The general types of inspections include: Merchant Site Inspections (Interior or Drive-by), Appraisal Inspection, Disaster Area Inspection, Catastrophic Disaster Inspection, Occupancy Inspections and Inspections for Insurance Puroses.

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Merchant Site Inspection

The purpose of a Merchant Site Inspection is to determine the legitimacy of a business and often used to make an accounting of inventory, equipment, machinery and assets that the business may have. A Merchant Site Inspection is helpful to mitigate risk and fraud and helps verify suspicious activity.

Site Inspections are available anywhere in the United States and involve someone physically going to the location requested to take and gather specifically requested pictures and information. All pictures are in high definition. All Inspectors are held to the highest standard of professionalism and undergo extensive background checks to ensure they have the highest integrity.

With our user-friendly web-based portal, you have 24/7 access to place new orders, track existing orders and access previously completed orders. Our Inspection Reports provides you with high-definition pictures, highly detailed information, are easily ordered and accessed 24/7 and are available in 3-4 days after you place the order. With our extensive network, we can perform inspections anywhere in the United States.

With our smooth inspection process, your reports are more detailed, easily accessed and available in 3-4 days. Inspections are available anywhere in the United States.

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Interior Merchant Site Inspection

An Interior Inspection is completed to verify a merchant’s business, inventory and operations. This type of Merchant Site Inspection can either be announced or announced, depending on your needs.

Interior and exterior photos of the business, inventory, equipment and machinery, Business signage and address verification photos, Description of the merchant’s business operations. Observations of displayed business hours, licenses and credit card decals. 3-4 day turn time, Peace of mind knowing the merchant is legitimate, User-friendly web-based order entry process 24/7 online ordering and tracking, Nationwide coverage

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Drive-by Site Inspection

Our competitively-priced Drive-By Inspections provide verification of a property or business when no contact is needed with a borrower, builder or merchant. Drive-by inspections are essential to those in the mortgage lending, credit card and insurance industries. With inspectors located nationwide, we can provide the result in 3 days or less.

Business signage and address verification photos, Observations of the merchant’s facility, 2-3 day turn time, Peace of mind knowing the merchant is legitimate, User-friendly web-based portal to order and retrieve, 24//7 online ordering and tracking, Nationwide coverage, Inspection to Perform an Appraisal For Machinery, Equipment & Business Inventory

When performing an Appraisal for Machinery, Equipment or Business Inventory, someone needs to physically go to the location of the item(s) being appraised. This person must take pictures and gather information so that the Appraisal can be as specific and accurate as possible.

Our Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraisers will gladly visit the location of the item(s) being appraised OR you can tap into our extensive inspection resources to have a local inspector visit the location of the item(s), take high-definition pictures and gather all the data necessary for the Certified Appraiser to provide a detailed and accurate valuation. Reducing travel expenses for the site inspection, the appraisal will cost you a fraction of the price as other Appraisal Companies, with faster turn-around times.

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Inspection to Perform an Appraisal For Machinery, Equipment & Business Inventory

When performing an Appraisal for Machinery, Equipment or Business Inventory, someone needs to physically go to the location of the item(s) being appraised. This person must take pictures and gather information so that the Appraisal can be as specific and accurate as possible.

Our Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraisers will gladly visit the location of the item(s) being appraised OR you can tap into our extensive inspection resources to have a local inspector visit the location of the item(s), take high-definition pictures and gather all the data necessary for the Certified Appraiser to provide a detailed and accurate valuation. Reducing travel expenses for the site inspection, the appraisal will cost you a fraction of the price as other Appraisal Companies, with faster turn-around times.

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Disaster Area Inspection

When a tornado, flood or other severe weather strikes, you need post disaster inspections done quickly. Independent Appraisal Experts LLC provide a Disaster Inspection report that summarizes the exterior condition of the property and surrounding neighborhood. Our professionally trained inspectors will assess the severity of the damage and list repair recommendation. When disaster strikes, Independent Appraisal Experts provides the information that allows you to act quickly, manage property damage and minimize risk.Includes:

Exterior photos of the property, Address verification photos, Street view photos, Photos of damages areas, if applicable, User-friendly order entry process, 24/7 online ordering and tracking, Nationwide Coverage, 2-3 day turn time

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Photo Only Report

Drive-by inspection providing photo documentation of the exterior condition of a property.
Trinity’s Photo Only Report includes:

  • Exterior photos of property (all 4 sides)
  • Photos of observed hazards or damage, if applicable
  • Conducted on residential and commercial properties
  • Turnaround Time: 2-3 days, 1 day rush available

Dwelling Observation Report

Detailed report that provides condition assessment of the residence, including identifying and documenting any hazards or exposures.
Trinity’s Dwelling Observation Report includes:

  • Exterior photos of property (all 4 sides)
  • Conducted on residential properties
  • Turnaround Time: 2-3 days, 1 day rush available